الدليل المصرى للخدمات

نقدم مجموعه من الشركات الكبرى فى مصر بارخص الاسعار المميزة

Unpacking, installing and packing furniture

First Line Furniture Transport Company    

Transportation of furniture inside and outside Cairo

Unpacking, installing and packing furniture

Furniture Transport Company, شركات نقل اثاث بالمنصورة Company, Transport Furniture Company, Transport Transport Company, Freight Forwarding Company, Freight Forwarding Company, Shipping Companies in Egypt, Freight Forwarding Companies, Freight Forwarding Company, Freight Forwarding Company, Transport Companies Furniture Transport Company, Mansoura Transport Company, Mansoura Transport Company, Mansufah Transport Company, Furniture Transport Company, 5th Compound, Transport Transport Company, 5th Transport Furniture Company, 5th Compound , The transfer company Afsh fifth assembly, furniture transfer company Rahab, transport company Alafash Rahab, furniture transfer company Abel Transport Company, Al-Rehab Transport Company, Furniture Transport Company in Suez, Al-Auf Transport Company in Suez, Transport Company in Suez, Furniture Transfer Company in Alexandria, Transport Company in Alexandria, Transport Company in Egypt


Shipping, packaging and transfer of clothes and furniture


First Line Company provides furniture transport services with specialized vehicles in the transport of furniture in cars equipped with glass and marble. Hardware and antiques For workers and transport equipment in non-high buildings, transport with trained workers and simple equipment

In the high buildings, the transport is through a winch to remove and lift furniture

We have our packaging for furniture, which is a simple and easy process to maintain all the movables of the house. The packaging has many types according to the purpose of packaging. If the purpose of packaging is to store the furniture for a certain period, we need to pack the furniture in certain ways and materials. Because the factors change the atmosphere may lead to God can damage some of the contents of the furniture, either if the purpose of packaging preservation of furniture from any scratches occur during the process of transport, the raw materials we use are (cardboard ribbed and cardboard Nashp and Pablz and Fum and Dubar and linoleum

And Streich) and different classes according to the best and security and this is after the dismantling of furniture

We pack clothes, kitchenware and collectibles into a carton for every size

We have hydraulic cranes for narrow entry units, whatever the size of movables. We have land, sea, air & customs clearance.

You can contact us on the following numbers

24 hours a day.